Friday, December 28, 2007

39 weeks

AAnd a happy holiday!! Well it wasn't really all that happy since Cadence wasn't feeling well... She has been sick since last Thursday, but on day 8 she is finally herself .... except for the coughing and runny nose... but I'll take that over her moping around all day! Needless to say she wasn't into opening gifts on Christmas morning... She made out very nicely, Santa brought her a play kitchen, and table and chairs. Mom-mom brought her a bike, she got clothes and a bilingual laptop from abuelo's. We had a very nice Christmas breakfast with my dad and his fiance my mom and younger sister, and my older sister, her son and bf...

I had my 39 week checkup yesterday and Im 2-3 cm dilated and 60% effaced!! Dr. said I could go any day so we shall see... hopefully its days not weeks!! I have been trying to organize Cadence's closet to make room for nb diapers and have been trying to get the toy room more organizes since that's where the new baby's clothes will be going... tough task considering she has SOOOO many toys in there now. We may really have to consider putting up sheet rock and insulate the basement to make that the playroom... since theres no chance of us being able to afford a new house at this time of our lives... Well hopefully the next post I make will be about how the baby is here and how he/she is healthy!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

38 weeks

Whaaaat?!?! 2 weeks left?!?! Are you kidding?!?! I had my check up yesterday and I'm measuring exactly 38 weeks, which is a relief considering I feel much huger than that... Baby's heartbeat is nice and strong and she gave me an exam AND............... I'm 1-2 cm dilated and about 50% effaced!! Hopefully it doesn't slow up down there though... Camilo seems to think that we're having this baby on Tuesday but its up to the little one so we shall see...
Cadence has been sick with a fever the past couple of days so we've all been just trying to relax with her and try to catch up on sleeping and being lazy. I'm nesting and cant sit still though and Camilo just doesn't understand that... he keeps telling me to relax and I keep telling him that if it doesn't get done then we wont be ready for this baby, I think he semi understands but he's a man so I'm sure he doesn't really get it... I've been doing laundry and trying to clean up Cadence's room but then I think 'what else can I do?' 'what else is there to do?' We still have to go get a car seat, figure out where the new baby's clothes will go, & I still have to pack my bag... an besides my bag packing the other 2 cost money which I dont feel like spending or going out to buy it with everyone doing last minute holiday shopping...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Catching up

WOW!! I havent posted in a few weeks so I have much to catch up on. We went to a holiday parade in my old town one weekend which was a lot of fun but of course pretty cold.As you can see Cadence was very bundled... but was funny because her and my nephew were like the scene from "Christmas Story" when the little boy is so bundled up that he falls down while walking to school and cant get up.... That was them... they were unbalanced and if they leaned one way or another, they'd tumble over... it was wuite funny. After the parade we actually had a birthday party to go to. It was at a party place where the girls that work there entertain the kids and you could sit back and relax (which of course I couldnt do because I wanted to see her having fun) Then we went back to my cousins house where they had pony rides. Cadence went on ok... but you could tell she was scared. Hmmmm what else... Oh we went to my sisters work to have breakfast with santa... and let me just say she was not feeling it. She'd much rather look at him from a far or at pictures. But my mom bought the kids bibs...

Now to catch up on this baby I have crawling around inside of me.... I will actually be 37 weeks tomorrow but at my last appointment I lost 2.5 lbs. and she said everything is looking great! I actually have an appointment today at 1230 in whic I thought it was yesterday and drove there and the nurse says "You're early" I say "I know Im a little early so finish eating your lunch I'll wait" she says "NO your really early your apt isnt until tomorrow!" We laughed I left and get a call from the Dr's office an hour later, reminding me of my apt that I have today!! Ha! Stupid pregnany brain!! 22 days to go... I can not believe it... and tonigt it my last night of class until September when I'll be student teaching... I cant believe how fast it hasall come.36 weeks36 weeks