Monday, August 11, 2008


AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! He touched my shoulder!! LMAO....... He is the most genuine , REAL PERSON, you could ever meet. And when I say he's only a person, he is... he is using his celebrity to do something good with it and is never to busy to shake a hand and thank the people who are helping him out with the things he wants to accomplish but just cant be everywhere at once. I will upload the pictures as soon as I'm home they are downloading the my computer.... He walked up to everyone in the village green and thanked them for being there doing what they were doing... and me (the dork I am) hopped up and down clapping and say "YAH, I love what you stand for" as if he just went pee pee on the potty for the first time... BUT he looked me in the eyes and said "no problem.." and giggled" Oh how I love him...

So the reason I was able to meet Jack (we're bff now, I can call him that)...was because I signed up on his website to be a volunteer for "All At Once" (which is his thing) but they had enough people so I was sent a link for other organizations... I picked Head Count so I would be registering people to vote... We walked around the parking lot and saw quite a lot of interesting people... I was quite surprised for how mellow Jack is people were WASTED tailgating...I must say that registering people to vote was definitely an experience all on its own because some people were offering us beers but others were quite rude like we were asking them for money... or shouted who they were voting for, Des and I could care less we just wanted to make sure we were doing what we were supposed to be doing to get people to take stand in what they believe in and get their voice heard... otherwise they can not complain if they didn't take the time to register and vote! So with this chance to register people to vote we were given Pit Seats (which was crowded and hot and very pushy)... but all in all... I almost cried twice because I actually felt lucky that I could say "I was at a Jack Johnson concert" since he NEVER tours...

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